Gimber 500 ml
Gimber 500 ml
Gimber is a concentrate packed with organic Peruvian ginger, lemons and other subtle herbs, spices and quality ingredients that will get your taste buds dancing. Add it to sparkling water and you get a spicy soft drink, with warm water you have a delicious ginger tea, but you can also get away with it in dishes and cocktails!
Come and discover GIMBER at PERRON 47!
Organic ginger, organic cane sugar, organic lemons, water & organic herbs
Diluted with 1/10 of water
Energy | 60 KJ |
Bold | <0.20g |
Of which saturated | <0.20g |
carbs | 3.4g |
Of which sugars | 3.4g |
Protein | 0.042g |
Salt | < 0.025 g |
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